June 29, 2005

Not so good week

Hey! Well yesterday I got remapped. Lets just say it went okay. Before I got there I was having problems hearing. I kept getting this rattling, humming sound. I asked people if they heard it, but we couldn't really figure out what it was. They thought it was the air conditioning, or a boy banging a cup. But I don't think that was it. It sounded like my hearing aid when it got moisture in it. The rattling would get so annoying and loud that I couldn't hear or talk to people very well. I couldn't even hear the t.v with just my implant. And before this noise came I would turn off my hearing aid because I could actually hear the t.v better. But for the past week my hearing went down hill. I wasn't able to hear people without trying to figure out what they were saying, so I got fustrated and I went back to my hearing aid. I know I will regret wearing my hearing aid for the past week. But thank god I got remapped yesterday!! We were trying all sorts of programs to try to get rid of this sound but we couldn't really. But then they were talking about if it was my hormones, if it was me being tired, stressed, or whatever. They said that if your tired, sick, stressed, or hormonal your hearing would change. But that's not for everyone. So that could be the possibility why I was doing do bad last week. But now I'm doing better. I'm working at the office and hadn't turned on my hearing aid once. I could even hear Del, Mary, and Mary Ann (all soft speakers somtimes) talking.But It was soft but I could hear them!!! YAY! I would find myself reaching up to turn my hearing aid on to hear them better BUT I forced myself to not turn it on!
Sunday I did therapy (when I wasn't hearing very well) and I did horrible! I couldn't hear them call out the words to save my life!! My grandpa did it, my brother did it, my Aunt did it, and my Mom did it, I still couldn't understand them. We were thinking that it was because I haven't left my hearing aid out long enough. But this morning I did it, and I almost got 100% on the words. YAY! Skip (a good friend) and my Mom both did it. I was so happy because I'm back to where I was on the first week. We also tried to see if I could tell the difference between the voices. Between a mans voice and a womans voice. I could kinds do it. In't always right but I could sorta tell who was talking. So we'll see if I get it absolutely right later this week. Keep your fingers crossed!!! lol.
So what did I learn out of this?? That if your hormonal, tired, sick, lazy, stressed or whatever...Your hearing changes!!! So don't get frustrated like I did. Your hearing isn't going bad, you just may be emotional.
Well, I better go.......Got some listening to do. lol

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