April 14, 2006

April 14, 2006

WOW....its been awhile!! Sorry about that!! I guess I aught to post, huh??

Well lets see, alots been going on...but first things first, my implant is doing great! I can hear everything with it and it sounds normal! And I absolutly love having the implant...and I gotta say that the main think that I like about it is the Direct Connect! I love listening to music now because I don't have to worry about it being too loud for every one else!! hehe.

Then not too long ago, I was in a photo Shoot for Advanced Bionics! That was fun! I wasn't looking forward to it in the beginning becuase I didn't know what to expect but it actually turned out to be quite interesting!! This photographer (Gill-spelling?) went camping with us over spring break to take pictures of us doing things like canoeing, talking on the cell phone, listening to music, making a fire, grilling, etc. so I hope he got some good pictures. I hope we can get coppies, that would be cool! And who knows...maybe you'll see me or my brother in an Advanced Bionics Flier. Coolies!!

Oh, and another thing....I got asked to my first Prom!! YAY! I was really shocked though, becuase I thought I was never going to get asked out or that I wasn't going to hear a guy asking me out becuase of my hearing!!! And I never thought a guy would want to date a deaf girl...but it turns out that I was wrong! haha And it makes me feel good becuase of all that time of worrying, it was really all for nothing! But yeah, the Prom is next weekend and I'm kind of nervous becuase I don't know how the music will sound to me. I went to a Homecoming dance and it was kind of like a bunch of noise....but I hope I'll be able to hear a little bit of the beats and the rythem this time. But I'll make sure I post to let you know. : )

So to all you girls waiting to be asked out...it will happen!! hehe And I guess this proves that the world really doesn't care about you being deaf!! They just think its cool that you can hear them!! : )

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Honey, not only do guys like deaf girls, but sometimes they marry them and have five children with 'em...I'm proof :). I'm going to blogroll your page...I hope I can get a CI this summer...I love reading your blog! :)