July 14, 2005

July 14th, 05

Hey Everyone!
Sorry I haven't posted in awhile. But things have been going great! I've learned that sometimes things can sound better if the volume isn't blaring loud! haha. But anyways, right now I'm hearing lots of sounds. I haven't been wearing my hearing aid and so I keep forgetting I don't have my hearing aid on. SO that's GREAT news!! That means I'm getting better! Yesterday I had therapy and I got remapped. Therapy went good! I'm in the middle of stadge 1 and 3! Yay!! Right now I'm detecting the differences between words but I'm not able to tell you what it is. Does that make sense?? So I guess that's what I need to be working on now. I got lots of homework for the next two weeks (next week's therapy is canceled because I'm on a vacation). So I promise I'll do my therapy! Its really important to do so because then I'll be ready for school to start. I hope I'll be able to hear my friends and teachers very well. So keep your fingers crossed!!! As for the remapping....I think we are going to pretty much stay where we are. Because if I go louder, things get distorted, rattles come in, and I don't hear as good. So where I am right now is good!!! Okay, well I better get going. I have to get back to work. : )

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