January 8, 2008

Update on my Grandpa!

Hey Everyone! Sorry about the late update - time flies by way to fast!
But I just wanted to tell you a little bit of whats going on...
(this is based on my understanding of what he's going through from what he's told me)

He got turned on a few weeks ago and he's already doing great and making progress!

At first he went through the normal phases of beeps and robotic voices. When he first got turned on he didn't like it much and after a few days it still sounded scratchy but he DID like it better then what he had before. He said he could understand a little bit better then when he had two hearing aids so he continued to work with the implant to help make it better.

My grandmother and aunt both work with him on therapy at home everyday training his brain to relearn and understand the sounds of the environment and of people's voices. Can you believe at 85 years old, he's learning to hear all over again?! :)

Some of the sounds he's heard so far:
- air conditioning
- dish washer
- family members talking with pretty much all understanding
- watched the news and got all of what they were saying
- recognized an Elvis song in the background of a movie playing
- the president's debate on the TV without closed captians

He's still learning to cope with the implant and trying to figure out which hook he likes best, which programs to use, how to wear his hats with the implant, how to keep the implant on with the oxygen tube and glasses, etc. He's been having difficulty with keeping the implant on with the tubing for his oxygen and glasses becuase they all hook on to his ears. At first it was a mess but he's gotten used to it and has learned to keep it all on. :P

But as of right now, he's understanding pretty good and is progressing really well! He can communicate with us again and we don't have to keep repeating everything we say and deal with him yelling anymore! His voice has gotten softer and its great having our grandpa back! :)

He's still having a hard time with distance becuase it's only been a month but over all he's doing great!

He's also having a great time telling all of his friends at his complex about his experiences and everything that he's going through. And of course, everyone is just AMAZED with the Cochlear Implant and wishes they could get one! :)

Here are some pictures of him and the implant...

He's been to 2 mappings so far and is continueing to progress really well! :)
We're all very happy for him!!


Abbie said...

Happy New Year!

That is so great to hear Sam! He looks like he is totally enjoying himself :)

Anonymous said...

Wow!!! That has to be an incredible moment for your family! Did your grandfather have progressive hearing loss like you?