July 23, 2009

Body-Worn Processor can come in handy

My Grandpa has had the implant for about 2 years now and seems to be progressing. But unfortunately, because of his age and health, his progress is very slow. But even though it's a slow progress, we can definitely see a difference with his conversations being more at ease. He can hear a lot better then he did with just the two hearing aids and we don't have to worry about him using the FM system as a microphone for everyone at the table. He can definitely do a lot better in the quiet environments but it does get challenging in the noisier environments so we have to make sure we talk slow for him.

Since he has gotten the implant, we have been noticing that he has a hard time managing his BTE processor, oxygen tube and glasses all on his ear. It would sometimes get tangled up and everything falls off. We have tried the earmold for his ear to help hold it on, but it was too difficult for him to use. So as a solution, we traded out the BTE processor for the body-worn hoping this will help. As a result, he doesn't get tangled up on his ears balancing everything and plus, he seems to be hearing better with the body-worn instead of the BTE!

So we're glad this is working out better for him... I guess you never know until you try it!

July 13, 2009

Jonathan's new job with CutCo!

My brother just got a job last week working with CutCo. Now for those of you who aren't familiar with CutCo, it's a knife company that involves selling them "door to door." Apparently these knives are very expensive but top of the line... I don't even think you can buy them in stores.

So what he has to do is call people up asking them to make an appointment so he can give them about a 30 minute presentation of the products and hope that they'll be interested enough to buy some. Its a hard job - sometimes they'll buy and sometimes they wont.

But what's amazing is that he's able to do all this -- call people up, make appointments, give about a 30 minute presentation of the knives, and sell them. Literally the job of a salesman!

After 2 days of working, he's made over $3,000 in sales! Now, that's pretty impressive!! I think he not only loves making the sales, but he loves how he gets calls from his boss checking in and complimenting him on how great he's doing!

Jonathan making one of his first sales!

But if you think about it, he would not be able to do this if it weren't for the AB Harmony.

We were all kinda actually kinda nervous in the beginning on how he would do... but he has definitely proved us all wrong - nothing can stop you from doing what you want! So thanks for the Harmony and Jonathan's hardworking personality, he's able to make great money and save up for college and a new car! :)